In this section, we will create a report on an example form "Employee Profile" :
Create a Word report template
To create a Report Template on Word, you need to have a Form in order to know the field names systems to merge. Concerning the writing of system fields, rules must be respected:
The allowed format is .docx
The System Names of your fields must be contained between <% and%>.
Here is an example of a report template:

We can see that it contains all the system names with a particular syntax. Indeed, they must be surrounded by <%…%> to tell the software that it must match the result of the field in the form. It is important to note that it is possible to apply any font changes to what will be displayed. Like <%FirstName%> or <%LastName%>which is in bold so the customer name will be displayed in bold in the report. Text or List fields do not require any particular syntax. However, Boolean fields return “True” or “False”, so if we want to obtain Yes or No, it is possible to apply a conditional If function (boxed in green).
This is composed as follows: <%If(SystemName == ‘Condition’, ‘Then’, ‘Else’)%>. All formatting you applied on the Word will be kept in the report. You then have a first example of a report template.
Add a report template in Daxium-Air
Now let's go to Daxium-Air to add it to the “Employee” form. In the menu on the left, in “Data and Forms” and “Report” you will access this screen:

In this example, there are already several reports that have been created for different forms. To add the one you created, click “New” at the top right.You will then arrive on this screen:

Select the form with which you want to link this report template, then select the format (here it is Word format). Upload your model using the button provided for this purpose.
The “Listing mode” box will allow you to generate a report for several records at the same time. This mode is preferred for Excel reports. Do not check it in our case.
Once these few steps have been completed, you can save the template, it will then appear in the list of templates.
To test its visualization, go to the “Submissions" menu click the form name "Employee" and select one available.
Check the box to the left of the form line and click on “Actions > Report” in the menu at the top right:

You will then arrive on this screen:

Select the template you added previously. You can change the name of the file that will be created. By default it will be the same name as that of the initial file. Checking the PDF box will generate the file as a PDF. You can configure this screen so that the file is sent by email. Here it is not necessary, so you can click on “Generate”. After the time taken to generate the report, a notification will be available at the top right of your page next to the bell icon:

Click the “Word” box to download the file. If this button does not appear, it means that the file has not yet been generated, refresh the page to update the display. Once this file is downloaded you will obtain the model that you created at the beginning but with the information from the sheet that you selected:

If you have any errors, they will be reported to you and you can correct the elements concerned by re-doing the model.
Here is an example of how you can write a Word report template in terms of syntax and possible options:
To get started with writing a Word report, you can generate an example report.
To do this, go to the page that allows you to add a report and click on the “Update sample template” button.
This will take a few minutes to generate. You need to refresh the page in order to download it.
It contains all the form fields. All you have to do is choose the fields that interest you and apply the desired style to your report.